
Raymond Adkins's picture Raymond Adkins
Postdoctoral Fellow
Phone: +1 203-785-5138
Md Shah Jalal's picture Md Shah Jalal
Postdoctoral Associate
Willy Aniset Nganfo Yifoue's picture Willy Aniset Nganfo Yifoue
Postdoctoral Associate
Sabyasachi Sutradhar's picture Sabyasachi Sutradhar
Associate Research Scientist
Phone: +1 203-785-5138
Thomas Torng's picture Thomas Torng
Postdoctoral Associate
Phone: +1 203-785-5138
Yazgan Tuna's picture Yazgan Tuna
Postdoctoral Fellow
Phone: +1 203-785-5138
Ashley Arthur's picture Ashley Arthur
Scientist at Alexion (Former Postdoc)
Aliona Bogdanova's picture Aliona Bogdanova
Research Associate at MPI-CBG (Former Postdoc)
Hugo Bowne-Anderson's picture Hugo Bowne-Anderson
Data scientist at Coiled (Former Postdoc)
Gary Brouhard's picture Gary Brouhard
Associate Professor McGill University (Former Postdoc)
Fernando Carrillo Oesterreich's picture Fernando Carrillo Oesterreich
Head of Data Science CoE at Henkel (Former Postdoc)
Stefan Diez's picture Stefan Diez
Group Leader at TU Dresden (Former Postdoc)
Claire Friel's picture Claire Friel
Lecturer at University of Nottingham, UK (Former Postdoc)
Sujoy Ganguly's picture Sujoy Ganguly
Senior Engineering Manager at Unity Technologies (Former Postdoc)
Melissa Gardner's picture Melissa Gardner
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota (Former Postdoc)
Chris Gell's picture Chris Gell
Microscopist in the SLIM facility University of Nottingham (Former Postdoc)
Veikko Geyer's picture Veikko Geyer
Postdoctoral Associate, TU Dresden (Former Postdoc)
Jonne Helenius's picture Jonne Helenius
Scientist, ETH Zurich (Former Postdoc)
Marzuk Kamal's picture Marzuk Kamal
CEO & Chief Data Scientist at AeonX AI (Former Postdoc)
Khaled Khairy's picture Khaled Khairy
Scientist, Janelia Farm (Former Postdoc)
Hamidreza Khataee's picture Hamidreza Khataee
Postdoctoral Research Fellow- University of Queensland (Former Postdoc)
Xin Liang's picture Xin Liang
Associate Professor Tsinghua University (Former Postdoc)
Anna Luchniak's picture Anna Luchniak
Senior Scientist at AstraZeneca (Former Postdoc)
Mohammed Mahamdeh's picture Mohammed Mahamdeh
Assistant Director of the Molecular Imaging Center/ Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Former Postdoc)
Ron Orbach's picture Ron Orbach
Assistant Professor Bar-Ilan University (Former Postdoc)
pablo sartori's picture Pablo Sartori
Principal Investigator Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) (Former Postdoc)
Sonal Shree's picture Sonal Shree
Postdoctoral Associate
Marko Storch's picture Marko Storch
Head of SynBio and Automation Synbicite (Former Postdoc)
Marija Zanic's picture Marija Zanic
Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University (Former Postdoc)