Ashley Arthur

Ashley Arthur's picture
Scientist at Alexion (Former Postdoc)
260 Whitney Ave

Current Position

Scientist at Alexion

Research Bio

Ashley did her undergraduate studies at the University of WI - Madison and worked with Dr. Barry Ganetzky and Dr. Shannon Ballard on pain perception in Drosophila.  She completed post-bacc work with Dr. Jill Wildonger on motor protein regulation and neuronal morphology.  Ashley completed her PhD at University of Minnesota with Dr. Margaret A. Titus using the social amoeba Dictyostelium to study the conserved pathways in filopodia formation. 

Ashley is working on studying neuronal polarity in the freshwater cnidarian, Hydra and is also interested in how nerve nets in Hydra are connected to promote behavioral responses.  Overall, she is interested in cytoskeletal dynamics and regulation and how the cytoskeleton gives cells morphology and polarity.  Ashley is an NIH NRSA postdoc fellow.

Departments & Organizations


Education & Training

phd University of Minnesota Genetics, Cell Biology and Development Minneapolis, MN, USA (2020) Advisor: Dr. Margaret Titus. 
bs University of Wisconsin, Genetics and Biology Madison, WI (2011)  Advisor – Dr. Barry Ganetzky