Amer Al-Hiyasat Currently a graduate student at MIT (Former Research Associate) amer.al-hiyasat@yale.edu |
Joshua Alper Assistant Professor Clemson University (Former Postdoc) |
Raj Basak Life Sciences Investor at F-Prime Capital (former Grad Student) rbasak@fprimecapital.com |
Susanne Bechstedt Assistant Professor McGill University (Former Predoc) |
Brian Beitler Undergraduate Student brian.beitler@yale.edu |
Volker Bormuth Scientist, Sorbonne University (Former Predoc) |
Christian Bruchatz Research associate bei TU Dresden (Former Diploma Student) |
Alvaro Crevenna Head of Microscopy, EMBL Rome (Former Predoc) |
Özlem Demir Former Predoc |
Cerasela Dinu Professor at West Virginia University (Former Predoc) |
Horatiu Fantana Project Manager at University4Industry (Former Predoc) |
Amelia Farinas Former Undergraduate Research Assistant |
Maria Feofilova Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich (Former Predoc) |
Anneke Hibbel Department Manager University of Zurich (Former Predoc) |
Ivy (Pei-Tzu) Huang Postdoctoral Associate- Einav Lab Standford University (Former Predoc) |
Frauke Hussmann Former Diploma Student |
Annita Jannasch Akademische Rätin (Senior Scientist) University of Tübingen (Former Diploma Student) |
Ioanna Kougianou PhD candidate at University of Edinburgh(Former Postgraduate) |
Kris (Yin-wei) Kuo Former Grad Student & Postdoctoral Associate yin-wei.kuo@yale.edu |
Maijia Liao Currently Assistant Professor at Northeastern University (Former Postdoc) m.liao@northeastern.edu |
Johnson Madrid Postdoc, Institute of Biophysics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Former Research Associate) |
Vikram Mukundan MEMS engineer at Formfactor Inc., CA. (Former Postdoc) |
Jacquest Pecreaux Group Leader, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Rennes (Former Postdoc) |
Heike Petzold Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics | MPI-CBG (Former Technician) |
Magdalena Preciado-Lopez Scientist, Group Leader Cell Biology, Assay Development & Biochemistry Calico Life Sciences (Former Diploma Student) |
Ingmar Riedel-Kruse Associate Professor, University of Arizona (Former Predoc) |
Erik Schäffer Professor of Cellular Nanoscience, Universität Tübingen (Former Postdoc) |
Christoph Schiklenk Principal Investigator at Sanofi Deutschland (Former Diploma Student) |
Claudia Schirmer Scientist, Biotechnology Center TU Dresden (Former Diploma Student) |
Monika Scholz (Kauer) Max-Planck Group Leader, Caesar Bonn (Former Diploma Student) |
Britta Schroth-Diez Microscopist, MPI-CBG (Former Postdoc) |
Sonal Shree Scientist Protein Engineer at Abcam sonal.shree@yale.edu |
Kamaldeep Singh Student Employee kamal.singh@yale.edu |
Sarah Stratmann Patent Attorney (Former Diploma Student) |
Zeren Toksoy zeren.toksoy@yale.edu |
Isabelle Top Undergraduate Research Assistant |
Olivier Trottier Former Predoc olivier.trottier@yale.edu |
Anastasiya Trushko Former Predoc |
Vladimir Varga Postdoc, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford (Former Predoc) |
Haiyan Wang Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University (Former Visiting Scientist) |