
Amer Al-Hiyasat's picture Amer Al-Hiyasat
Currently a graduate student at MIT (Former Research Associate)
Joshua Alper's picture Joshua Alper
Assistant Professor Clemson University (Former Postdoc)
Raj Basak's picture Raj Basak
Life Sciences Investor at F-Prime Capital (former Grad Student)
Susanne Bechstedt's picture Susanne Bechstedt
Assistant Professor McGill University (Former Predoc)
Brian Beitler's picture Brian Beitler
Undergraduate Student
Volker Bormuth's picture Volker Bormuth
Scientist, Sorbonne University (Former Predoc)
Christian Bruchatz's picture Christian Bruchatz
Research associate bei TU Dresden (Former Diploma Student)
Alvaro Crevenna's picture Alvaro Crevenna
Head of Microscopy, EMBL Rome (Former Predoc)
Özlem Demir's picture Özlem Demir
Former Predoc
Cerasela Dinu's picture Cerasela Dinu
Professor at West Virginia University (Former Predoc)
Horatiu Fantana's picture Horatiu Fantana
Project Manager at University4Industry (Former Predoc)
Amelia Farinas's picture Amelia Farinas
Former Undergraduate Research Assistant
Maria Feofilova's picture Maria Feofilova
Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich (Former Predoc)
Anneke Hibbel's picture Anneke Hibbel
Department Manager University of Zurich (Former Predoc)
Pei-Tzu Huang's picture Ivy (Pei-Tzu) Huang
Postdoctoral Associate- Einav Lab Standford University (Former Predoc)
Frauke Hussmann's picture Frauke Hussmann
Former Diploma Student
Annita Jannasch's picture Annita Jannasch
Akademische Rätin (Senior Scientist) University of Tübingen (Former Diploma Student)
Ioanna Kougianou's picture Ioanna Kougianou
PhD candidate at University of Edinburgh(Former Postgraduate)
Yin-wei Kuo's picture Kris (Yin-wei) Kuo
Former Grad Student & Postdoctoral Associate
Maijia Liao's picture Maijia Liao
Currently Assistant Professor at Northeastern University (Former Postdoc)
Johnson Madrid's picture Johnson Madrid
Postdoc, Institute of Biophysics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Former Research Associate)
Vikram Mukundan's picture Vikram Mukundan
MEMS engineer at Formfactor Inc., CA. (Former Postdoc)
Jacquest Pecreaux's picture Jacquest Pecreaux
Group Leader, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Rennes (Former Postdoc)
Heike Petzold's picture Heike Petzold
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics | MPI-CBG (Former Technician)
Magdalena Preciado-Lopez's picture Magdalena Preciado-Lopez
Scientist, Group Leader Cell Biology, Assay Development & Biochemistry Calico Life Sciences (Former Diploma Student)
Ingmar Riedel-Kruse's picture Ingmar Riedel-Kruse
Associate Professor, University of Arizona (Former Predoc)
Erik Schäffer's picture Erik Schäffer
Professor of Cellular Nanoscience, Universität Tübingen (Former Postdoc)
Christoph Schiklenk's picture Christoph Schiklenk
Principal Investigator at Sanofi Deutschland (Former Diploma Student)
Claudia Schirmer's picture Claudia Schirmer
Scientist, Biotechnology Center TU Dresden (Former Diploma Student)
Monika Kauer's picture Monika Scholz (Kauer)
Max-Planck Group Leader, Caesar Bonn (Former Diploma Student)
Britta Schroth-Diez's picture Britta Schroth-Diez
Microscopist, MPI-CBG (Former Postdoc)
Sonal Shree's picture Sonal Shree
Scientist Protein Engineer at Abcam
Kamaldeep Singh's picture Kamaldeep Singh
Student Employee
Sarah Stratmann's picture Sarah Stratmann
Patent Attorney (Former Diploma Student)
Zeren Toksoy's picture Zeren Toksoy
Isabelle Top's picture Isabelle Top
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Olivier Trottier's picture Olivier Trottier
Former Predoc
Anastasiya Trushko's picture Anastasiya Trushko
Former Predoc
Vladimir Varga's picture Vladimir Varga
Postdoc, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford (Former Predoc)
Haiyan Wang's picture Haiyan Wang
Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University (Former Visiting Scientist)